Born in a small village, Haink is the first offspring of Hermond, a human tailor and Hedonê, an elven huntress.
Ever since he was just a little child, most kids didn't like him because of his pointy ears, even If it didn't bother him, they would not let him befriend them. But soon he met the quiet half-drow Sounder and the studious human Chiba. They grew up together, playing the whole day. Haink the best one singing and hitting things with his slingshot, Sounder at racing and hiding, Chiba doing anything that required intelligence. At his fifth birthday, Hedonê gave her son a Ukulele, which was the thing he most treasured. Not much time after, about six to seven months, his mother started giving birth to his sister, Alexandria, but due to complications, Hedonê died, and aside from Hermond, Chiba was the sadest knowing she died. At seven, the ukulele Haink got from his mother was destroyed by the other kids while bullying him, that made him extremely sad, it was the only thing he had that reminded him of his mother, but later that day, he remembered that his mother told him to always keep smiling.
The trio kept having fun, playing, growing up... but at the age of 13, the Lux Aurum family moved to the big city, so the father could work better.
But soon, Haink decided to travel across the land, searching far and wide, for people to understand, the story that's inside.
Haink cares for everyone not evil he met.
He promised that at least once a year, he would go back to visit his father and his sister.
Altought childhood friends, Sounder doesn't consider Haink his friend anymore, even tought Haink does consider him.
He won the slingshot competition of his village when was eight.
His sister is five years younger than him.
Loves his silky shiny blonde hair.
Doesn't like to start fights but finds it amusing to watch.
His Lute was given to him by his first true love, a redhead princess from a far away kingdom.
Knows how to knot ropes to a bed, but not to unknot.
Haink is hated by most kings and princes for stealing their daughters or fiancées for a couple of days. What can I say, he persues love.
He has bunch of scratch marks on his back
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